Oracle jdbc oci driver

JDBC drivers Oracle provides three categories of JDBC drivers: JDBC Thin Driver (no local SQL Net installation required/ handy for applets) JDBC OCI for writing. The TAR archive contains the latest JDBC Thin driver (ojdbc7.jar and ojdbc6.jar), Universal Connection Pool (ucp.jar), other companion The TAR archive contains the latest JDBC Thin driver (ojdbc7.jar and ojdbc6.jar), Universal Connection Pool (ucp.jar), other companion Oracle Call Interface (OCI) driver. It is used on the client-side with an Oracle client installation. It can be used only with applications. The JDBC OCI driver. Oracle Thin JDBC Driver. The JDBC Thin driver is a pure Java, Type IV driver that can be used in applications and applets. It is platform-independent 9 JDBC Client-Side Security Features. This chapter discusses support in the Oracle Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Oracle Call Interface (OCI) and JDBC Thin drivers. A JDBC driver is a software component enabling a Java application to interact with a database. JDBC drivers are analogous to ODBC drivers, ADO.NET data providers この章ではOracleデータベースへの接続について説明します。サンプルプログラムの実装対象とするOracleのバージョンは「8.1. After installing Oracle 11g R2 on my system, I set the environment variable as following: variable Name :CLASSPATH variable Value :E:\app\JamesPJ\product.2.0. I am using the thin Oracle JDBC driver ver 10.2.0 (ojdbc14.jar). I would like to configure its NLS_LANG setting manually. Is there a way? Currently it fetches.